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Independent Muslims and Jews reaching "IJMA" (agreement) through dialog ...

to enhance Religious and Minority Rights for All.


We are an independent alliance of American Muslims and Jews brought together for a common  purpose:  to replace stereotypes and distortion about each other and other ethnic groups with knowledge and understanding. We stand for engaging and respecting "the other"; appreciating our shared values; building a productive rapport to discuss issues  that divide us; and  formulating projects to improve intercultural civility and respect. 


We explore bias within our own communities to identify its sources and develop corrective action to bring us together.  Within a friendly productive atmosphere, we grapple with subjects that have thwarted our building "IJMA" with each other.  We believe Muslim and Jewish communities are stronger, truer to our faith traditions, and better equipped to improve societal well-being when we come together for common purpose.


We focus on high-impact action to support freedom of religion and counter discrimination and bigotry.  Actions  include activities to inform and educate our two communities and the entire country, as well as the advocacy of remedial policy within public, private and nonprofit organizations and various government bodies.

© 2021 Inter Jewish Muslim Alliance 

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