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The Kreuzberg Initiative against Antisemitism (KIGA)

Political Education for the German multicultural society

Founded in 2003, the Kreuzberg Initiative against Antisemitism (KIGA) was one of the first German civil society initiatives to develop education-based methods for dealing with antisemitism in a multicultural German society. We develop models for curricular and extra curricular education tailored to the everyday reality of young people. We address complex, sensitive, and contentious topics, with a focus on past and current forms of antisemitism, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, anti-Muslim racism, Islamism, and historical-political education.


The African Middle Eastern Leadership Project (AMEL)

The African Middle Eastern Leadership Project (AMEL) aims to mobilize, empower, and unite millennial leaders and activists from the Middle East and Africa to build resilient, inclusive societies that are free from discrimination, persecution, and violent coercion, and to advocate for policies in support of these goals. AMEL currently provides the legal, financial and operating infrastructure for IJMA so that it can focus on its programmatic goals.

Marcia's Light Foundation, Inc.

Marcia's Light promotes engagement among people of diverse backgrounds by fostering relationship-building in small settings, by promoting the fundamental values that bind all people and b helping the disadvantaged and others in need.

© 2021 Inter Jewish Muslim Alliance 

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