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IJMA - Inter Jewish Muslim Alliance

This Genocide Awareness and Prevention month, the members of IJMA join together to condemn the Chinese government’s genocide and crimes against humanity against the Uyghur people, a religious and ethnic minority group primarily from Xinjiang Province in Northwest China.

The Inter Jewish Muslim Alliance (IJMA) is an independent alliance of American Muslims and Jews. We come together with the common purpose of replacing stereotypes and distortion about each other and other ethnic groups with knowledge and understanding. We stand united in our support for freedom of religion and our commitment to fighting discrimination and bigotry.

Our shared principles inspire us to speak out during Genocide Awareness and Prevention month. Every year in April, activists and advocates come together to honor those who perished in genocides and those who survived. We seek to educate our communities about historic genocides and those that are taking place now. We speak out with the goal of lending our voices to ensure that “never again” is not just a rallying call, but reality.

China is holding an estimated one million Uyghurs and other Chinese religious minorities in re-education and forced labor camps. There are credible reports of forced sterilizations and a sharp decline in birthrates in Xinjiang Province over the last three years, especially among Uyghurs. There is also a concerted effort to suppress the language, culture and religious practices of the Uyghur people. Over the past several decades, tens of thousands of Uyghur people have fled China to find safety and freedom in countries of asylum.

We urge the Biden Administration to consider and take strong action against China, including sanctions, and support the bipartisan Uyghur Human Rights Protection Act, which would help to expedite the resettlement of Uyghur refugees.

We commit to working together in our communities to promote understanding and are proud to stand together against persecution and genocide and for a world in which all people are free to live in safety and peace.

Mohamed Abubakr, President, The African Middle Eastern Leadership Project (AMEL)

Atiya Aftab, Esq., Co-founder, Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom

Majid Alsayegh, Chair of the Board, The Dialogue Institute

Wa’el Alzayat, Chief Executive Officer, Emgage

Imam Abdullah Antepli, Duke University and Shalom Hartman Institute

Dr. Georgette Bennett, Founder, Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees and President & Founder, Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding

David Bernstein, Jewish Institute for Liberal Values

Marshall Breger, Professor of Law, Columbus School of Law, The Catholic University of America

Rabia Chaudry, Attorney

Richard S. Cohen, Marcia’s Light Foundation, Inc.

Richard T. Foltin

Maital Friedman, Shalom Hartman Institute

Rizwan Jaka, Chair, Board, All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) & Co-Chair of Interfaith/Government/Media Committee, ADAMS

Suhail Khan

Moses Libitzky, Principal, LPC Real Estate Corp

Imam Muhammad Magid, Executive Imam at ADAMS Center

Rabbi Jack Moline

Sharon Nazarian, Senior Vice President of International Affairs, ADL

Melanie Nezer, Senior Vice President for Public Affairs, HIAS

Sheryl Olitzky, Co-founder and Founding Director, Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom

Carly Pildis, Associate Director of Community Engagement, ADL

Daphne Lazar Price, Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance

Rabbi David Saperstein, Director Emeritus, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism

Ann Schroeder, Founder / Chairperson, GlobalSource Partners, Inc.

Imam Dr. Talib M. Shareef, Masjid Muhammad, The Nation’s Mosque

Bob Silverman, lecturer, Shalem College

Halie Soifer, Chief Executive Officer, Jewish Democratic Council of America

Rabbi David Wolpe, Sinai Temple

*Organizations listed for identification purposes only.

About IJMA

IJMA, meaning agreement or consensus, is an independent alliance of American Muslims and Jews brought together for a common purpose: to replace stereotypes and distortion about each other and other ethnic groups with knowledge and understanding. We stand for engaging and respecting "the other"; appreciating our shared values; building a productive rapport to discuss issues that divide us; and formulating projects to improve intercultural civility and respect.


© 2021 Inter Jewish Muslim Alliance 

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